Case Study

Success Story: Devops – Identifying and implementing best practices

Company Type: Bank

Developers Analysed: 7000 to 9000

Which Product?

Developer Analytics (DA) was fully implemented into the clients systems and had been running for quite some time when the request was made.

The Background

The client wanted to prove to senior management the importance of investing in DevOps and how this investment would pay off in the long run due to an increase in productivity. In order to accurately represent this investment’s potential, the client wanted to identify the divisions and teams with the best practices and cascade those across the entire estate. The client had already identified who they believed were the highest performing division but they were unable to quantify the choice.

The Results

BlueOptima was able to confirm that the client’s suspicions were correct and furthermore, that the highest performing team was 31% more productive than other teams. Additionally, BlueOptima was able to identify the differences between the lower performing and high performing teams. As a result of this intricate data the client was able to drive a DevOps transformation based on the best practices of the highest performing teams. In turn, the client saw a strong (30%) increase in productivity overall (2.0 vs 1.5 BCE/Day), which translated into a capacity saving of 63 Million and also a good (4%) increase in quality by approximately (6% vs. 7% abberant BCE %).

Maintainability overview

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