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Predictive Assessment

Make faster and more reliable decisions on top developer talent with the world’s first AI-powered coding predictive assessment tool that projects a candidate’s future workplace performance.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Is there a free trial on paid plans?

Yes, you can test out Predictive Assessment and evaluate up to 20 candidates. There is no credit card required to start. Once you are done with the 20 evaluations, you can upgrade to any of the plans that fit your hiring need. You can find the Trial Terms and Conditions here.

Can I change my plan or cancel my subscription at any time?

Your subscription can be changed on a monthly basis with a 14-day notice if you subscribe to the monthly billing. If you choose annual billing, you can only upgrade to a higher tier with a 1-day notice but downgrading or canceling is only possible at the end of your annual term with a 30-day notice.

Are there any minimum commitments?

There are two billing options: monthly and annual. Accordingly, the monthly billing allows you more flexibility as you can change or cancel from month to month with a 14-day notice. On the other hand, the annual commitment will secure a discounted rate for you. For more information about a discounted annual plan, please

What happens if I exceed the usage limit in Start Up and Scale Up plans?

The usage limits on the Start Up and Scale Up plans are set monthly, i.e. every month, you can screen up to 20/100 candidates. Once you hit this limit, you can either wait for the next month for the additional tests to unlock or upgrade to a higher tier.

If you have invited more candidates than your test limit, the candidates will still be able to take the test. However, you will only see the results once an additional set of Test Attempts is unlocked the next month.

If you select the annual plan, you unlock all the test for the following 12 months, i.e. 240 (Start Up) or 1200 (Scale up). You can use these tests at any point during the annual billing period.

If you run out within the Start Up plan, you can upgrade to a new annual plan – Scale Up. If you run out within your Scale Up plan, please contact sales to upgrade to an Enterprise plan.

How is the Enterprise plan priced?

The Enterprise plan is priced based on the volume of Test Credits you purchase according to a tiered model. For more information, please contact Sales.